Esoteric Acupuncture
Esoteric acupuncture is a potent fusion of East Indian chakra theory, 5 element philosophy, sacred geometry, and acupuncture.
Esoteric Acupuncture means to pierce your temple (physical body) to activate something within. This something within is the alignment, strengthening, and refinement of your inner Heart center. The power of Esoteric Acupuncture lies in strengthening the inner heart center and expanding consciousness. It is also effective in releasing stored emotions and trauma in a gentle way.
Esoteric Acupuncture is supportive whether you are just beginning or are experienced in walking the journey of your personal awakening. It is helpful in navigating the twists and turns of your journey and assists you in the full embodiment of your divine blueprint.
Each session is 75-90 minutes and includes both a front and back treatment to support you in clearing, harmonizing, and balancing your entire chakra system.